VANDALS who have repeatedly stolen badger warning signs from the A127 are putting motorists' lives at risk, according to a group which fights to protect the animals.

Signs warning drivers there may be badgers crossing the busy dual carriageway were put up about five years ago near Rayleigh Weir. Since then, they have been stolen three times, most recently about two weeks ago.

Badger experts have warned the signs were put up to protect both the animals and drivers using the road.

Alan Huxter, 73, lives in Eastwood and is vice chairman of the Essex Badger Protection Group. He said: "If people see a badger shoot out across the road then they end up braking or swerving.

"At least if there is a sign there, they will be a bit more prepared."

Mr Huxter said the problem started five years ago when building work made the animals forage in different directions and meant they ended up on the A127.

He said: "The council agreed to put up two signs - one with the word "Badgers", and one with a warning exclamation mark.

"They have stolen the badgers part and left the exclamation mark, which doesn't mean anything on its own.

"We don't know for certain who is taking them.

"It could be people worried the signs will let badger baiters know where the animals are."

"Either way, they are putting lives at risk and we would urge them to stop it."

Michael Page, spokesman for Essex County Council, confirmed the sign had been stolen and promised it would be replaced as soon as possible.