A FIREWORK spectacular on Canvey had to be delayed because youths broke through a hedge and were spotted loitering around the display area.

Castle Point Council's annual firework display was attended by more than 5,000 people and hailed as a great success despite an unexpected 15-minute delay to the fun.

Dave Blackwell, leader of the Canvey Independent Party said: "It was great and I really enjoyed it, but I think it is a shame we can't have a bonfire anymore. In the past there has always been a big bonfire.

"As far as I know, Canvey Rugby Club was the only group to have a bonfire this year because of these health and safety rulings.

"The whole thing is ridiculous. The nanny state is taking over everything. Pretty soon we will have to watch fireworks from behind our windows because of the dangers."

Council leader Pam Challis said the lack of bonfire was for health and safety reasons.

She said: "We had youths pushing through a hedge and getting near to the display area, which shows you can't be too careful. At the end of the day, if someone gets hurt it is our responsibility."