SOUTHEND Council is spending £5million every year employing agency staff.

Officials are now hoping to slash the bill by up to 10 per cent by joining with Essex County Council to agree joint contracts for temporary workers.

Agency staff have been brought in to cover social workers, admin and support staff over the past year, a report to tomorrow's cabinet meeting will reveal.

Brian Kelly, councillor responsible for resources, said: "On occasions, we have to employ agency staff, particularly within social services where you have to be able to provide cover very quickly.

"Recent changes in the council have meant susbtantial reductions in the amount of time staff are taking off, but obviously we still have to make sure cover is available."

In his report, Southend Council's head of procurement Dave Levy said contracts for agency staff were due to expire in March.

He said Essex County Council was in a similar position and the authorities had been working together to arrange contracts jointly.

Mr Levy added: "Reduced costs in the region of eight to ten per cent are expected from the improvements to the operation of temporary agency staff and possible additional savings could become available.

"I am confident the new arrangements will mean we have a more effective service and there is also the opportunity to save money."