RESIDENTS who want to hear the latest on issues affecting them should go along to the next meeting of Essex County Council's south Essex Area Forum.

The forum will be held at 2pm on Monday, April 14, at the Oysterfleet Hotel, on Canvey. Topics under discussion include health provision and a presentation about local road schemes.

There are four area forums at different locations, to allow local people to get involved in decision making. There is no need to reserve a place, you can just turn up on the day.

John Jowers, county councillor responsible for localism, said: "We are always delighted to see local residents at these forums which have been set up to help empower and benefit their communities directly."

Forums are made up of all county councillors from relevant electoral divisions and representatives from borough or district councils, the Essex Association of Local Councils, health groups or trusts, police, fire and voluntary groups.

For more information, call Sallyanne Thallon, south Essex area co-ordinator, on 01245 437135.