A CHANGE to the opening hours of a proposed bistro-style restaurant and bar in former public toilets on Westcliff seafront come before councillors next week.

Colin Thorne's plans to open Toulouse in the former toilets in The Leas have already been approved by the development control committee, but on Wednesday members will be asked to approve a change in hours.

These will allow opening earlier from 9am instead of 10am and until 10.30pm on weekdays and 11pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Head of planning Steve Kearney said Mr Thorne has agreed public toilets with an entrance on to Western Esplanade would be included in the scheme. The toilets would be available to the public while the restaurant was open.

Mr Kearney said there had previously been concerns from neighbours on The Leas about the proposal because of possible noise and disturbance. He added: "There should be a condition in place to make it clear the premises cannot be used as merely a drinking establishment."