A WORKSHOP for parents on internet awareness is being held in Southend.

Futures Community College is holding the event for parents to learn more about the advantages and pitfalls of their children using the internet.

The meeting will also help parents to discover how to log into the school system to check their child's attendance record and test results.

It will be held at 7pm on Monday, at Futures, in Southchurch Boulevard.

It is designed to inform parents of how to ensure youngsters do not visit inappropriate websites and to understand how to protect them from the dangers found in internet chat-rooms.

There will also be details of the on-line learning and revision facilities available to Futures' students where they can undertake mock-exams on-line and get immediate feedback on their results.

Principal Jean Alder said: "The internet provides many opportunities.

"However, it also has its dangers and to protect our students from these, we are holding an informal evening where parents can learn more about how to ensure their children are not put at risk while online at home."