MORE than 100 people have signed a petition to save a popular field and wildlife haven from development.

The Anchor field in London Road, West Thurrock, has become a bone of contention since its mystery owners began to clear hedges, shrubs and trees at the beginning of January.

Nearby residents fear the field will become a desolate wasteland.

They are now campaigning to save it and recently handed over a petition to ward councillor Andy Smith.

Thurrock MP Andrew Mackinlay is among those who have signed the petition.

John Croft-Elliott, 54, of London Road, West Thurrock, said: “The field has been enjoyed by the locals as an open space since at least 1957 where it was a rhubarb field, nowadays it is enjoyed by dog walkers and children, as a safe place to relax.”

“The field has been cleared of all the hedges and trees and I believe it will be fenced and concreted.

“The wildlife will move on or die and in the long term it could become another wasteland devoid of any links to the countryside.”