A NEW street cleaner has been patrolling a Basildon estate.

Residents on the Redbrick estate, off Long Riding, in Vange, have seen the benefits of the council’s new beat sweep, a cleaner who patrols the estate on foot every day, picking up litter, ripping out weeds, and sweeping up dirt.

Shaun Miller, of Frettons, said the estate was now the cleanest he had ever seen it.

He said: “I’ve lived here for 11 years and I’ve never seen it so clean.

“Since this gentleman started, the place has been spotless.”

Council sweeper Terry Campagna said his work had encouraged residents to be tidier.

He said: “I think it has created a community spirit on the estate.

“Seeing someone take care of where they live encourages people to do the same.”

Terri Sargent, the council’s cabinet member for environment, said: “The beat sweep has helped transform the estate because he can carry out a deep clean and get to grips with all the grot spots.

“He has the time to get in all the nooks and crannies of the estate and knows where litter accumulates.”

The council introduced two beat sweeps last year as part of a £150,000 investment in street cleaning.

The other beat sweep is based in Pitsea.