HEALTH officials have urged people not to panic about the possibility of a global outbreak of swine flu.

The advice comes after a woman in her forties was given the all-clear after being tested as a suspected case of swine flu at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford.

Medical chief Dr Andrea Atherton, director of public health for NHS South East Essex, said: “The main advice is if people have been to affected countries and have symptoms within 20 days of returning they should call NHS Direct or their GP.

“It is very important anyone who thinks they may have symptoms should stay at home and phone their GP to avoid spreading the infection.

“Respiratory hygiene is also very important. So if people cough or sneeze, they should bin their tissues and wash their hands immediately.”

She added: “We are paying close attention to feedback from the World Health Organisation. Outside of Mexico, there has only been one death of a Mexican child in the US.

“There could be a number of reasons for this. We still don’t know for sure exactly what virus people died from. Viruses can change and become milder outside the centre of the outbreak.”

Dr Atherton said the swine flu virus caused the same symptoms as other flu viruses, including a high temperature, cough and runny nose.

There are also no apparent vulnerable groups as confirmed cases are of all ages.

In the event of an outbreak in south east Essex, Dr Atherton will head up a co-ordinated plan to contain it. She said: “It is based on national guidance that runs to eight or nine chapters.

“This would include distribution of antiviral drugs, such as Tamiflu.

“People are probably not aware we have been planning for a flu pandemic for more than four years.

“We recently carried out an exercise which involved all our partner agencies.

“I am confident everyone is very aware of the plan.”

Dr Grahame Tosh, medical director at Southend Hospital said: “We have a well-rehearsed and well-coordinated procedure and are liaising closely with our healthcare colleagues to ensure we are fully up-to-date with the latest developments and advice.

“We would reiterate the advice being given out to anyone who is concerned about symptoms to stay at home and contact their GP by phone or seek advice from NHS Direct by calling 0845 4647. ”