THIS youngster clearly has a nose for news.

Year 11 pupil Ross Williams, who goes to the FitzWimarc School in Rayleigh, created an outfit using old copies of the Echo.

The eco-friendly creation was part of a recent lunchtime fashion show at the school, in Hockley Road. Pupils spent time making clothes from recycled materials.

It was organised by FitzWimarc’s “eco champions” as part of a week of raising awareness of green issues.

They also held “Be Green” assemblies for pupils, a tallest sunflower competition and organised a green quiz.

The eco champions team is made up of teachers and pupils who try to boost the school’s environmental credentials.

Science teacher and eco champion, Nancy Slater, said: “Pupils have been frantically making their outfits in workshops at lunchtime from newspaper, old clothes that would have been thrown away, plastic bags and bottles.

“It has been a good way to promote team work and raise the eco champions’ vision.

“The pupils have shown immense enthusiasm, and it has been a fantastic success.”