A BUSINESSWOMAN from Wickford judged a culinary cook-off with two of TV’s most outlandish food lovers, the Hairy Bikers.

Sarah Fay, 37, was chosen to be part of the judging team for a competition filmed for the Bikers’ new TV series.

As part of their new show, the Hairy Bikers, Dave Myers, and Si King, have been touring 33 counties across the UK on their motorbikes to seek out the finest producers of local food and drink.

When they reached Essex, the pair decided to drop into Baumann’s Brasseries, in Coggeshall, to challenge chef Mark Baumann to create an Essex dish.

They also revved into Tiptree to pick up some of the village’s famous jam.

Sarah, of Moreland Road, Wickford, said: “I was invited to act as a judge for the cook off, with eight other foodies and political representatives from the Essex area.

“The food was fabulous and it was an excellent opportunity to promote and celebrate the abundance of fine producers and food businesses in the area.”

The Hairy Bikers’ new series starts in September on BBC2.