A WARNING has been sent out about 'unclaimed prize' letters which are doing the rounds.

Southend Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership has been made aware of residents receiving letters claiming they have won a prize and prompting them to send payment.

They have been asked to phone a premium rate number or to send a cheque payment by post, in order to claim a prize.

PCSO Julie McFadden of Essex Police’s Southend Central neighbourhood policing team, was handed the received letters by a concerned resident and would like to warn others.

She said: “Please don’t reply to these letters as you are unlikely to receive any prizes and will lose money. Report the incident to Consumer Direct.”

The letter is titled ‘unclaimed prize register’ and headed with a return address to a ‘PO Box’ number in Herefordshire. It contains the website www.mcintyreanddodd.com and states: ‘Do you recall filling in and mailing an entry coupon for a competition, prize promotion or special offer? As a result the promoter has selected your name for us. I am pleased to confirm that you are now eligible to receive a prize or award.’ The basic advice to recipients of such letters is to disregard them, not to call the premium rate numbers and under no circumstances at all to send any money. Recipients should report the matter to Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06