LEGENDARY wartime singer Dame Vera Lynn has backed Canvey’s Armed Forces Day – with a heart-warming letter and a signed photo.

The Second World War forces sweetheart got in contact with Canvey Town Council after hearing the winner of a local talent contest had recorded her hit “Now is the Hour”.

The council arranged the recording to raise money for wounded servicemen’s charity Help for Heroes.

Delighted Dame Vera, 93, wrote: “I hope you have a lovely Armed Forces Day on Canvey and it doesn’t rain.”

The new take on “now is the hour” was sung by 15-year-old Georgia Garrett, a pupil of Castle View School.

Jeff Rickards, who is organising the event, said: “We wanted to record the track to raise the spirits of the veterans with a rousing tune and make money for Help for Heroes.

“On the spur of the moment, I sent a letter to Ms Lynn telling her about the recording, and letting her know we have one of the best Armed Forces days in the country.

“We feel privileged such an icon took the time to write back.

“We’ve also sent the Queen a copy of the CD.”

Dame Vera enjoyed a comeback last year when her best-known track – We’ll Meet Again – reached the top 20 in the music charts after an album with her greatest hits was released.

Miss Garrett recently wowed shoppers with her voice and raised over £200 while singing outside the Knightswick Centre on Canvey.