THIEVES went on a spree, breaking into five garages and yards in Fryerns in the space of a week.

About £2,500 of goods have been reported stolen so far.

In one day alone, thieves targeted three garages in Pattiswick Square.

They forced the locks on two, but failed to get in, and then caused £50 damage by breaking into a third, although nothing was taken.

A day later, another yard in Whitmore Way was targeted, where thieves stole £2,500 of tools from a container.

In the most recent incident, which happened sometime between 5pm on Monday and 7am the next day, crooks forced the lock on a container in a yard in Whitmore Way, before stealing £2,000-worth of building equipment.

Police are appealing for witnesses.

PCSO Darren Weeks, of the Fryerns neighbourhood policing team, said: “People often keep items in garages that can be desirable to thieves, so we are asking residents to consider proper security, as they would for their homes.

“Garages should be locked at all times with a circular padlock, which will leave less room for the padlock to be tampered with.

“We are also asking residents to keep an eye out for anyone behaving suspiciously, as most of these offences are occurring in the early hours of the morning. If you suspect anything, call us immediately.”

Witnesses to the thefts, the first two of which took place on June 14 and June 15, or anyone with information can contact police at Pitsea on 0300 3334444 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.