THUGS armed with pickaxes tried to raid a bungalow which had been converted into a cannabis farm.

The two men launched the raid on the innocuous looking home, in Oakfield Road, Benfleet, much to the amazement of neighbours.

They were fended off by a man inside who came to the door armed with a baseball bat.

A 26-year-old onlooker, who asked not to be named, said: “There was cannabis growing in there and someone tried to steal it.

“They tried to smash the door down with pickaxes.

“The man inside came to the door with a bat and they were going ‘go on stab him’ before he went at them with the bat.

“All the neighbours had come out, and saw them jump into a car and drive off.”

He said there was a man waiting in a Vauxhall Vectra as a getaway driver, who took away the men armed with pickaxes.

The eyewitness added: “The police were there all night, they cut the electricity off at the pole. I knew there was cannabis there because I could smell it when I got back from work. It’s been like that for about a year and a half.”

The home, which had been coverted into two growing rooms, was targeted by the men at 7.45pm on Mon-day.

Two men have since been arrested.

A spokeswoman for Essex Police said: “Two men were arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary.

“The two men are aged 28 from Basildon and 30 from Canvey. They will be questioned later.

“When police entered the premises they found two rooms being used to cultivate cannabis.

“We are still seeking the tenants of the property.”

Anyone with information about the house or who lived there can call police at Benfleet on 0300 3334444 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.