A PAIR of dogs called Ronnie and Reggie could be put down after attacking a man in Basildon.

The French bull mastiffs escaped from a house, in Whitmore Way, and injured a man delivering leaflets to their home.

The dogs’ owner, Nicola Fitzgerald, pleaded guilty to two counts of owning a dog which injured Christopher McGhee while dangerously out of control in a public place.

Basildon Crown Court heard there was a problem with the lock on the front door of Fitzgerald’s house, so the combination of Mr McGhee knocking and pressure on the inside of the door caused it to open and the dogs to escape.

Mr McGhee, from Portsmouth, suffered injuries to his arms from the dogs.

He sought help from a neighbour and went to Basildon Hospital for treatment.

The dogs are both four years old. Neither dog had not attacked anyone before the incident on November 20 last year.

Judge William Graham ordered for a dog behaviour expert to assess if Ronnie and Reggie posed a danger to the public.

He will consider the report before deciding whether to order their destruction.

Lesley Sterberg, prosecuting, told the court Fitzgerald, 27, had no previous convictions.

Fitzgerald will reappear at Basildon Crown Court for sentencing on August 16.

She was released on bail.