A COMMUNITY concerned about antisocial behaviour could hire its own private police force with £1million of lottery cash.

Councillors and residents on Canvey are looking into the idea after the Link Road area was one of 50 communities across the country to benefit from the £200million handout by the Big Lottery Fund.

The 7,000-strong community got the money because it was considered one of the most deprived areas in the country and will receive it over the next ten years to improve facilities and security.

Concerned residents have suggested the money could go towards hiring special police officers for the estate.

National Lottery representatives confirmed the money could be spent on a police force, at a Castle Point cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

Canvey councillor Peter May said: “The problems which occur in the area are not short term – they have been going on for years.

“If residents feel employing extra police officers for the area would help, then we will fully support them.

“But it is very important residents have the final say on what this money is spent on.”

Ideas on what to spend the money on include community gardens, litter campaigns, installing CCTV cameras, opening a youth centre, a community cafe, or organising events such as nature walks and befriending schemes.

Canvey Independent Group councillor Brian Wood, who raised the issue at the cabinet meeting, said: “Residents are obviously worried about the level of crime and vandalism in the area, so it is good the money can be used in such a wide variety of ways which encompass this idea.

“Not only that, but it is good the money will be spent over the next ten years, because it means we will be looking forward.”

Lottery officials will hold a series of meetings with residents over the coming months to start the project and set out priorities.

Chris Wood, district inspector for Castle Point, added: “More police officers in particular areas would help us provide better coverage and be able to prevent and detect more crime. So any additional funding will be welcomed, not only by Essex Police, but residents as well.”