PUPILS, parents and teachers are calling for a zebra-crossing and a new lollipop lady outside their primary school.

More than 300 people have already signed the petition, which was started after several parents raised concerns about the lack of a safe crossing outside Janet Duke Primary School in Markhams Chase, Laindon.

The previous lollipop lady resigned from the job in December and has not been replaced.

Harriet Phelps-Knights, the school’s headteacher, said a lollipop lady was needed at the start and end of the school day, before an accident occurs on the busy road.

She said: “We are putting together our case to the county council and we have to provide maps and the petition by April 1.

“We hope it will see Markhams Chase is a very dangerous road and with the building work going on across the road, there are many cars and trucks using it. We need some safety restrictions put in.”

Concerned parent Sue White-Miller, 40, of Five Links, Laindon, added: “The parking is horrendous and it’s so dangerous trying to cross the road at school time.

“We desperately need a crossing patrol here, maybe even traffic lights to sort out this problem. With the new homes its going to be even busier with more people using the road.

“It needs to get sorted out sooner rather than later.”

Mrs White-Miller’s husband, Colin, added he had applied for the vacancy six weeks ago, but not heard anything.

Tracey Chapman, Essex county councillor with responsibility for highways and transportation said: “Following the resignation of the school crossing patrol in December 2011, the county council has been actively seeking a replacement for this position.

“A number of vacancies for school crossing patrols around the county are available, including three in Basildon. The county council welcomes contact from people who would be interested in filling a rewarding and valuable role in their local community, supporting their local school.”

Applicants for the position can contact Working for Essex on 0844 800 6685 or by logging on to www.workingforessex.com