PARENTS of unpaid workers at Southend United have sent letters to controversial Blues chairman Ron Martin.

Staff at Roots Hall have gone three months without wages while some have not been paid for four.

The wait for the salaries has had a huge impact on those working at Roots Hall.

And family members have now decided to tell Martin exactly what they think.

To Ron Martin & family,

I am writing this letter as a concerned citizen, parent and grandparent.

I am aware that the Southend players have been paid up to date but some of the Southend staff have not been paid for at least three months which leads me to ask the following.

Did you all have a lovely Xmas? Did you all get some lovely presents? Did you fill your bellies with some lovely rich food? Did you pop a few corks? Did you have all the lights on your decorations? Did you manage to get away or drive to see friends & relatives?

I am sure your unpaid staff tried their best to have a lovely Xmas. I'm sure they had to explain to family & friends that they could not afford a better present but would make up for it when they got paid.

Possibly they had to go to family & friends for dinner or cut back on the treats.

Maybe they could afford a couple of bottles of Prosecco or received them as presents or maybe they did not have as many decorations or lights worrying about how they would pay their fuel bills.

Perhaps they stayed at home as putting petrol/diesel in the car cost money they do not have, worried they may not be able to pay the mortgage or rent next month.

Maybe they're worried about having to have those awkward conversations with the bank manager every time their direct debits get rejected.

The loyalty of the people at Southend Football club is outstanding, they work tirelessly to ensure matches are played and the supporters are not let down.

This loyalty is not to the Martin Family it is to the club, you do not deserve either.

Where is your conscience, any debt you have is down to you not your players and staff.

You have plenty of bricks & mortar capital, but you cannot measure the intellectual capital you have working for you which is keeping this club running against all odds.

Do you not think about the mental strain you are putting on these people and their families. You owe your players and staff more than their salaries.

You owe them a massive apology for your greed, insensitivity, bad management and selfishness.

If you have any conscience pay them up to date out of your own money and gain some kind of respect.

Sir David Amess fought tirelessly to get Southend made a city and Southend United should be representative of the honour.

Do the right thing, if you do not care about the club, staff & players sell the club before there is no club to sell and sail off into your overindulgent lifestyle .

One last thing did you even send your staff and players Christmas cards?

I think not.

Even Scrooge came right in the end

A second letter has also been sent into Echosport as well as Ron Martin.

Ron Martin,

You ask protestors to consider your family and kids, what about our family Ron?

What about our family having to see “our kids” mental health deteriorating rapidly day by day.

Our kids, the ones we have to watch slowly fading each day that passes with no pay, slipping deeper and deeper into debt.

Worries growing day by day, with no answers to when it will all end.

Our kids, having not been able to pay bills for months.

Not able to put basic food on the table for their kids/our grandchildren.

Our kids, who despite how they’re feeling as a result of what you’re putting them through, get up and turn up to work for you relentlessly.

Facing another day dealing with the backlash of your actions… courts, bailiffs, warrants, stalling debt collectors with excuses for you, angry supporters.

Our kids working hard, giving their all, day in day out.

Being on the frontline of abuse and backlash of anger down to your actions.

Our kids, feeling low, demoralised, scared, angry, yet loyal in the desperation to save the club they love for the community they live in.

Our kids, collectively holding your business together, without our kids you wouldn’t have a business to sell.

So what about our kids Ron Martin?

Do you not think they deserve to be considered in the mess you’re causing, just like you ask for you kids?