SOUTHEND United chairman Ron Martin says Kimura were not in a position to buy the Shrimpers once Hollywood actor Ray Winstone could not be involved in the deal.

Kimura were frontrunners to takeover at Roots Hall for much of the summer.

But Martin has now revealed they were unable to complete a deal once it became apparent Winstone’s role with Integral Sports Management ruled him out of playing a part.

“We had to deal with a company called Kimura but they straight up front said that they wanted to replicate the Wrexham model and make a documentary,” Martin told TalkSPORT.

“They had Ray Winstone and also The Rock, they told us, in a frame to be heading it up.

“I'm not sure if The Rock was ever there, but Ray Winstone appeared to be.

“But when he pulled out because he was conflicted as he's got an interest in a football agency, the deal fell apart.”

Martin continued: “They didn't actually say that to us, they said they're still interested but if there's anybody else that you've been talking to, we don't think we're going to get there by the adjourned court date, this was July, then you should speak to them.”

And Martin also stressed his failure to sale the club was not to do with issues surrounding the land he owns.

“It’s got nothing to do with property,” said Martin.

“We're happy to let people stay at Roots Hall, rent free for three years and buy the club for a pound.”

The Echo has contacted Kimura for comment.