THE Southend United supporters group are hopeful results from Southend Council's due diligence will be received in the next few days.

The council are still looking into the property side of the Fossetts Farm deal which is needed for the consortium to take charge of Southend United.

But, in a statement issued this evening, the group revealed they have held talks with new council leader Daniel Cowan are confident another update will be forthcoming soon.

The statement said: "We have been extremely patient whilst formal due diligence is completed on behalf of Southend-on-Sea City Council in the interest of our city, and we fully understand that this must be completed with the utmost care.

"The supporters groups appreciate the extensive update from the new council leader, Daniel Cowan, on Thursday which, whilst it was a daunting read, provided insight to supporters and residents of the city into the process and potential outcomes.

"Councillor Cowan also met with the Shrimpers Trust this week to update representatives on the situation, and he has agreed to a further meeting with supporters groups in the coming days.

"As a result of recent dialogue, and with the caveat that we are wary of managing expectations, we believe it is likely that we should expect results of the due diligence in the next few days, and we must insist the Council puts as much pressure on the third parties delivering this to ensure these expectations are met.

"We are ready to mobilise the fanbase should there be continued delays, as the protest group have already demonstrated."

Fans continue to worry for the future of the Shrimpers who are back in a transfer embargo following a winding up petition from Stewarts Law.

And the group again reiterated their anger at how the club's chairman Ron Martin continues to go about his business. 

The statement added: "From speaking to key stakeholders involved in the situation, it is our current view that it is most likely that there will be items for the Martin family to resolve to move the deal forward (i.e. Outcome 2 in Cllr Cowan’s update – “the transaction is very close to being cleared to progress subject to a small number of adjustments”).

"We will not allow the Martin family to continue to use our football club as leverage, and we have a plan ready and waiting for that eventuality which will be issued if that is confirmed to be the case.

"The Martins have not earned any breathing space due to the years of neglect of our football club, and they will face immediate and co-ordinated pressure from the fanbase to concede their position and bring this fiasco to a swift close."

The consortium have now pumped £3.5million into the Shrimpers despite not owning the club.

And the group have urged them to not give up on the deal.

"COSU are clearly frustrated, and who can blame them," said the statement.

"They continue to invest in the football club despite not having control as evidenced by recent investment on the pitch at Roots Hall, the development of the new training ground and payment of HMRC.

"They continue to work behind the scenes to prepare for the upcoming season, including dialogue with the parties who have served the Winding-Up Petition and the National League in respect of the registration embargo.

"To COSU: Thank-you for the efforts so far; please stick with us it will be worth it.

"To the Council: get this due diligence process completed as quickly and accurately as possible.

"To the Martins: We are ready!

"To Kevin Maher, the playing and non-playing staff: Thank you, we believe in you and are desperate for you to be given the opportunity to build on the heroics of last season.

"Whilst the current situation and status regarding the due diligence is not confirmed, we could not in good faith go into the bank holiday weekend without sharing an update as to how we see it."

And the group also urged fans suffering amid the ongoing uncertainty to seek help of needed.

They added: "As Southend United fans, we understand the frustration and feel the pain that every article, interview and story inflicts.

"We know that supporters feel helpless and are eager to mobilise, but it is important that any action is co-ordinated and impactful.

"The never-ending cycle of doom is a mental torture on us all.

"If any supporters need help at this time, please consider contacting the below organisations and remember you are not alone: SECE Mind Livewell Southend Mind"