SOUTHEND United fans have announced plans to protest again tomorrow.

The consortium trying to buy Blues issued an update this morning, outlining what must happen for them to take control of the club.

But the Southend Fan Protest Group have now revealed they will be making their feelings known in Benfleet on Saturday morning.

A statement issued this morning said: "In light of recent public and private updates from both the council and COSU we have been in continual discourse with the supporters groups re fan action to save the club.

"It is our view that now is the opportune moment to strike whilst the iron is hot.

"It is evident that whilst council timelines have been infamously unrealistic, we are only in this position of due diligence as a consequent of the Martins attempting to renegotiate a better deal for themselves.

We say ENOUGH."

And the group have also made it clear what they want to happen.

The statement added: "Our demands are simple: 1. Immediately accept whatever amendments have been put forward by the council.

"2. ⁠Provide tangible security for the 50 per cent of club funding you so proudly guaranteed COSU on BBC Essex, such that they can fund the club this month."

Tomorrow's protest will start at 9am and further demonstrations are also being planned elsewhere. 

"Further protests over the coming weeks, in Benfleet, Camden and Leigh will be announced," said the group.

"Protests will not cease until these demands have been met regardless of any attempts at pressure or persuasion from any outside stakeholder."