IT has been a quiet week at Aquatels, although the fish have been coming out.

Chris Smith fished the beach at the Basildon lake using Essex Carp Baits CIA bait.

He banked fish of 18lb, 19lb, 29lb 8oz double linear, 25lb 12oz, 10lb stockie, 17lb 8oz and a 16lb 9oz specimen from close range.

Stuart Carrington banked his first fish from Aquatels when he landed a 27lb common from the quays bay. John Barrow had a brace from the beach with fish of 10lb 12oz and 18lb, while Joe Terry netted a 24lb 14oz common on first point. Arron Newport also got among the fish using Essex Carp Baits boilies with three fish to upper doubles. On the double willows Lee Harris banked a brace with fish of 10lb 4oz and 23lb 8oz, again fishing close in. Back on the beach Michael Harris had fish of 18lb 12oz and 22lb 4oz, while his fishing chum John Tatham banked fish of 17lb 6oz, 13lb and 20lb.

Full details on aquatels can be found at or by calling the bailiff’s office on 01268 272186. Aquatels is an alcohol-free fishery and ID must be produced before any tickets will be issued.