So, just how bright are you really?  You get the answers on The Chase, and do fairly well on Egg Heads, and Mastermind is just about starting to stretch you?

Well how about firing up Mensa Academy on the Wii and checking yourself out to see how well your brain is able to calculate everything nice and fast with the whole family watching.

While this may sound like a form of torture to many, it is in fact quite good fun. Tickling the brain cells every so often does them good, and so giving them a right good stir will either end with you far brainer than before, or with a migraine.

There are 100s of mini-games with this title and the puzzles are Mensa endorsed, so you know they were the real thing.

Anything you manage to accomplish will be real too. There is no hiding away this time saying you knew the answer a fraction after someone else said it on your favourite television quiz show.

As you can see, the age goes right down to three, so there are plenty of levels to build upon. You can even challenge three friends in the Brain Race and Brain Fighter.

A nice simple and obvious menu system means the young ones can get going on their own and build their intelligence quickly.