King Julien and the penguins. They are most people’s fave characters from the Madagascar crowd, but you really can’t write off the others either.

We have seen Alex, Marty and Gloria, escape from the zoo, set up home on islands near South Africa and endure blizzard conditions. Have to say in the film, when the penguins arrive at their ‘home’ in the Antarctic had one of the funniest lines of the entire film.

Anyway, like any good hit movie, there needs to be a game, and now we are on the third outing with our animals pals running a circus. Well, you sort of run it. Using them. You get the idea.

Anyway, as this is from three year olds up, it is a dead cert to be included in any Christmas stocking. There, I said it. The C word.

This early. But hey, parents. Get it now and spread the cost.

It is a pretty clever game – tough acts to string together, but simply enough learning curve even for the young ones.

Europe’s Most Wanted  is also multiplayer so the kids, ok and you, can play each other as you travel across, well, Europe.

Taking instructions from the penguins is never the best idea, but you are lumbered with it, with hilarious results.

Landmarks, dazzling leaps of faith and acrobatics, and keeping the crowd happy with keep your crowd happy at home.

And Americans get the chance to find out there are even more countries in the world.