BIZARRE claims that aircraft could be dumping harmful chemicals in the sky above Canvey have led to the town council requesting air tests to be carried out.

Even Castle Point MP Rebecca Harris has raised the concerns with the Department for Transport, and London airports, even though the claims have been rubbished.

The claims were presented to Canvey Town Council by Pat Muldoon, who believes aircraft could be dropping chemicals and confetti-sized metal pieces high in the atmosphere as a way of controling global warming.

He believes so-called chemtrails are much longer in length than normal aircraft trails. After discussing the evidence, the town’s council’s environment committee has agreed to write to Castle Point Council to request air sampling to reassure islanders.

Chairman John Anderson said: “We have receivedanumber of reports that say there is no evidence these chemicals are being released in the air over Canvey.

“The town council has taken residents’ concerns and investigated them, but other than request air sampling I do not see what more this council can do.”

Chemtrail conspiracies began in the USA in 1996 when the United States Air Force was accused of spraying the population with mysterious chemicals from aircraft, which created unusually long trail patterns.

MP Rebecca Harris said: “I do not believe the conspiracy theory claims that chemtrails pose a threat to the public. However, I completely respect the town council’s decision to refer the matter to environmental health at Castle Point.”

A Department for Transport spokesman said: "There is no credible evidence of the release of chemtrails from aircraft flying above the UK.

“Apart from crop-spraying planes, the only substance or aerosol being ejected from aircraft would be from the normal exhaust products from the aircraft."”