FRUSTRATED residents are pleading with Southend Council to bring in parking permits to allow them to park on their own road.

Residents of Tyrrel Drive are being forced to park in neighbouring streets, including the already crowded Southchurch Road, meaning a considerable walk to their own homes.

Some are even taking to parking on yellow lines and claim the council has not acted, despite a petition being submitted, to ask for a permit system.

Emma Fox, 31, of Tyrrel Drive, said: “The council is dragging its heels. We have a signed petition, but had no response.

“It’s getting so bad down here, neighbours are parking on the double yellow lines and getting parking tickets just to park outside their homes.

“I have a one-year-old and it’s terrible having to park on different roads and walk, with shopping bags and a child, back to my flat.

“It’s just people parking for work in Southend, or to get to the train station, but it makes you not want to go out if somehow you do manage to get a spot anywhere near your ownhouse.”

The council admitted a petition had been submitted directly to a Kursaal ward councillor, thought to be Labour’s Judith McMahon, who is working on the issue.

Any parking management scheme would need to be implemented on more than one road.

The council’s team leader for the parking, traffic management and road safety team, Cheryl Hindle-Terry said: “To implement a residents’ parking management scheme, the council needs a 40 per cent response to a consultation from residents in the area, and 70 per cent of those responding need to be in favour of the proposal.

“The outcome of the councillor’s consultation will be reported to the next available meeting of the Traffic and Parking Working Party for Members considerations.”

Ms McMahon was unavailable for comment.