HEALTH workers have launched a training video to help patients who have learning disabilities.

The East of England Active Liaison Nurse Network has teamed up with hospitals across Essex to put together the video, It All Helps, to educate staff on improving patient experience.

They are being encouraged to use a hospital communication book to make conversation easier and ensure patients with learning disabilities understand what is happening.

Staff are also advised to log a computer record on patients needing extra assistance, and seek expertise from their hospital’s learning disabilities nurse.

They are encouraged to learn more about patients to help them feel at ease.

Jemma Sharples, learning disability nurse adviser at Basildon Hospital, said: “Having an appointment at hospital for a test or check up is an anxious time for anyone. But for someone with learning disabilities, who may also hate crowds, dealing with strangers, going to unfamiliar places, etc, it can be utterly petrifying.

“The video is all about how staff can make simple, reasonable adjustments to the way they work in to make the experience better and as stress-free as possible for our patients with learning disabilities.

“There is a saying: ‘When you get it right for someone with learning disabilities, you get it right for everyone’. It’s about being more aware of the way you work and making reasonable adjustments to help everyone.”

Miss Sharples has been working to build up links in the community since taking on her role a year ago.

She said: “I’m glad to say I’m getting more carers calling me up directly to let me know about upcoming appointments. I’ve really enjoyed the past year, but there are still lots of work to do.

“My next project is to look at the processes and pathways across the trust and provide support and education to the staff, to improve patient experience.

“My ultimate goal is for patients with learning disabilities to choose Basildon Hospital for their care, safe in the knowledge they will have the best experience possible.”