TWO landlords are to stand trial charged with trying to force out their tenants by harassing them.

Dr Kenneth Ihouma, 52, of Meteor Road, Westcliff, and Pauline Onouha, 49, of Whitegate Road, Southend, appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court yesterday for their conduct with tenants Stephen Davies and Elizabeth McGuire, who live in the flat, at 20 Meteor Road, Westcliff.

The pair denied a charge of harassing the occupier to give up their occupation of the property by switching off water, electricity and heating and will now be tried in front of a jury in January.

They also denied five charges of failing to comply with regulations and running a house of multiple occupancy without a licence and will be tried at a Magistrates’ court for these offences.

Tessa O’Connell, prosecuting, said: “The matter involves an eviction of harassment in the property and of turning off water ecetera to the property, and also of failings in the property itself.”

The court heard the building was converted from St Michael’s Care Home for the Elderly into a house of multiple occupancy in 2012, allegedly without a licence being obtained.

Mr Davies and Ms McGuire moved into a first-floor room with their young son in May 2013, before switching to a selfcontained flat in June 2013, the court was told.

The prosecution has been brought by Southend Council.

They allege the property did not fulfil the necessary criteria for a house of multiple occupancy.

Dr Ihouma and Ms Onouha will appear at Basildon Crown Court for a plea and case management hearing about the harassment charge on January 12.

They will then appear at Basildon Magistrates’ Court on January 13 for a one-day trial for the other charges.

They were released on bail until their next court appearances.