The Big Lottery Fund programme A Better Start Southend is encouraging young children at nurseries across their areas to share books and start a life-long love of reading with ‘Little Libraries’.

Cockleshell Day Nursery is the first pre-school and nursery to receive a Little Library.

The nursery’s World Book Day event was delayed by a fortnight due to the snow, but the children and staff got into the swing of things following the delay by dressing up as their favourite book characters.

The libraries are supplied free by Chris Gostling, a retired teacher, who is passionate about education as well as spreading and encouraging a love of reading.

Belinda Allen, manager of Cockleshell Day Nursery, said: “We are really excited to be the first nursery in Southend to have a Little Library from A Better Start Southend. Our children and their families are already making good use of our library and it’s encouraging to see them sharing books together.”