A MINI housing estate is set to be built in Wickford - as long as developers can agree financial contributions and affordable housing deals.

Plans to build 67 homes on land south of Twinstead, Wickford, have been recommended for approval by Basildon Council’s planning officers.

But first, developers must complete a Section 106 Agreement with the council, in the form of on-site affordable housing and a contribution towards education in the area to Essex County Council - totalling £83,998

With this application, the council has requested that 12 homes are designated as affordable housing, made up of six two-bedroom shared ownership homes, and six two-bedroom affordable rented properties.

The 67 homes would comprise of seven four-bedroom homes, 24 three-bedroom homes and 36 two-bedroom properties. 111 nearby properties were contacted twice in relation to the application, with only six submitting objections to the plans.

Those objections consisted of concerns that new properties would overshadow existing homes and affect views, impact on congestion from additional cars, increased pressure on parking, loss of green land and increased pressure on local amenities.

The site would be accessed from a new road.

If the planning committee follow the officer’s recommendation, the plans will be approved by the committee at a meeting on Tuesday.

The officers conclusion said: “The design, layout and density of the proposed residential scheme is considered acceptable in the context of nearby residential development, and the scale and siting of the new dwellings in relation to existing properties would ensure that no material detriment to the living conditions of nearby residential occupiers would result. The scheme is considered to include sufficient levels of car parking for the occupiers of the new dwellings and visitors and would not result in congestion or detriment to highway safety. An appropriate provision of affordable housing is proposed having regard to current policy requirements and the specific viability evidence submitted with the application.”