Bob Weston, chairman of Weston Homes, was quoted in the Echo saying: "We have only developed brownfield sites and have a good relationship with the members and the officers of Southend Council".

My response is that Weston Homes developed a block of flats on a site in Thorpe ward, by demolishing two Edwardian detached houses of significant character.

Yes, technically, because the site had houses already there, it was brownfield, but don't think this only means factory sites and the like. Your own house is a brownfield site, too.

My second point is that I would like to see our pavements restored to prime condition, from the cracked and broken state in which they have been left by builders, suppliers and contractors working on this development.

Why should my constituents and Southend Council taxpayers continually foot the bill for developers ruining our environment?

This is one council member with whom Weston Homes does not have a good relationship!

Ron Woodley
Independent councillor, Thorpe Ward
Tyrone Road