Ron Woodley is right about the chaos of the school run, a problem scarcely confined to Greenways.

However, I am not sure a parents' contract is the way to deal with it.

I fear the same few selfish drivers who ignore letters from the school, will pay just as little attention to such a document, however menacing.

When I ran a school for the Essex Education Authority, resources were repeatedly wasted because schools were left to tackle their problems separately.

We need to get together with the council's Safer Journeys to School team, which is currently working on funding for a speed table for the Colman's Avenue approach to Earls Hall School, in Westcliff.

This should at least make the selfish few slow down as they abuse the system.

The team can tell us which schools have found a solution to the problem of dangerous driving and parking by parents, and good ideas can then be shared.

One may be Ron's contract scheme, or my own favourite of an after-school art club using spray paint to give offending vehicles the graffiti treatment, but let's get together on this before that child is knocked down and seriously injured.

Cllr Ric Morgan
Hobleythick Lane