RESIDENTS could be fined for parking in their own road while temporary restrictions are introduced to allow access for school buses.

Car parking in Spencer Gardens, Rochford, will be banned for an hour each day for two weeks so school buses can wait for pupils from the nearby King Edmund School.

Essex County Council has introduced the restrictions to start from today, between 1.30pm and 2.30pm each weekday, to coincide with school finishing time.

Two weeks of repair works will prevent the buses from waiting at their usual spot, so cars parking in Spencer Gardens at this time could face a ticket and a £35 fine.

Resident Edmund Roberts, 61, said he would be unable to park outside his home at lunchtime and residents would be prevented from leaving their homes because of buses blocking their drives.

He said: "This wasn't thought out well.

"The main problem with parking is from parents picking up their kids, rather than residents.

"We didn't know anything about this and weren't consulted first."

Signs, which were placed in the road last week, initially said the restrictions would be in place for up to 18 months, but this was later revised.

Norman Hume, the county councillor responsible for roads, said: "We have been working with the school to assist with the safe transportation of children while repair works are scheduled.

"We would ask residents to understand the need for us to ensure the safety of those involved during this short period of time."