Monday April 21st are at: ---- and 1222
Tuesday April 22nd are at: 0033 and 1249
Wednesday April 23rd are at: 0103 and 1314
Thursday April 24th are at: 0134 and 1342
Friday April 25th are at: 0207 and 1417
Saturday April 26th are at: 0245 and 1456
Sunday April 27th are at: 0330 and 1544

(All times are GMT - add one hour for British Summer Time)

To calculate other high tides in
Essex and on The Thames:

Walton on the Naze - same time as Harwich Harbour
Bradwell - add 21 minutes
Southend - add 50 minutes
Tilbury - add 1 hour, 15 minutes
London Bridge - add 2 hours, 10 minutes
Brightlingsea - add 23 minutes

Burnham-on-Crouch - add 42 minutes
Clacton - add 11 minutes
Felixstowe Pier - subtract 11 minutes
Wivenhoe - add 27 minutes
River Stour - Mistley - add 25 minutes

All information courtesy of Harwich Haven Authority: