I think the Echo is quite right. Yes the time has passed for the layabouts of Camp Bling to evacuate themselves and roll up their sleeping bags and stow their goatskin saggy mead flagons on to their oxen carts and move anon to pastures afresh to taint pleasant vicinities anew.

The King is dead! God save the bypass and a route to Aldi and B&Q for bargainous victuals and home improvementeths galore.

This is 2008 and not a time for placating silly medieval reality contestants or indulging them their fantasies!

We move on and improve our lot and that of future generations as did the Victorians for us.

So for me in loincloth and axe held aloft I expect still a fight to the end! I want a road, a good road and I want it now.

Trevor Murdin
Flemming Crescent

...I must take issue with the Echo's Comment (Apr 9), that disputes the "relevance"

of Camp Bling.

As a low-earning taxpayer, I have no wish to be effectively forced into paying a contribution towards 400 metres of road, which, according to current figures, will cost around £25,000 per metre.

R Herne
Salisbury Avenue