DEVELOPERS behind a £70million leisure complex have just six weeks to start work before planning permission expires, it has been revealed.

Turnstone Estates was given planning permission on October 9,2020,to construct an Empire Cinema, Hollywood Bowl and Travelodge Hotel on the seaway car park on Southend seafront.

The project has been hit with a series of delays due to spiralling costs and in December 2022 it was officially put “on hold” after economic turmoil “wreaked havoc” on potential investors.

Now, sources have confirmed that planning permission will expire on October 9 if no work has begun on the site.

Tony Cox, Conservative councillor, and leader of Southend Council said: “We have made it clear. As an administration we don’t want to progress with Seaway and are still working on the basis of that.”

In 2021, the council backed the scheme with a £10million investment designed to encourage other investors to get on board.

However, by June 2022, the Echo revealed costs for the project had leapt from £50million to £70million.

In December 2022, it was confirmed the project had been put on hold after the current economic turmoil “wreaked havoc” on prospective investors.

The council agreed to put up £10million from its capital reserves after it became clear it was not financially viable without help.

This would see the council tied into a 40-year annuity leasing agreement, after which it will have the opportunity to buy the whole development for a nominal £1. In return the council would keep any rents and car parking revenue from the development.

However, the money will not be released until Turnstone has tenants for 70 per cent of the units.

Daniel Cowan, Labour Party leader at Southend Council, added: “I think it has been a long journey and everyone would have hoped we would have been further along than we are.

“It is important now that we deliver something as we do have an agreement. More than anything Southend needs to have a year-round leisure offer.

“There are conditions that need to be met for planning, and if they are not met then we need to look at that, but until then, I can’t say much more.”

It comes as the future of Basildon Council’s Empire Cinema project hangs in the balance. After Empire entered administration, the council confirmed on Friday it had taken back ownership of the site and was looking for a new firm to takeover the contract.

Turnstone Estates has been contacted for comment by the Echo.