Check out this week's key planning applications, received or decided on in the Basildon borough.

Applications received

1. One Stop, 12 Grange Parade, Grange Road, Billericay CM11 2RB

An application for a change of use from a newsagent to a take away pizza shop.

2. Land at Greens Farm Lane, Billericay

Environmental Impact Assessment screening opinion under Regulation 6 for land east of Greens Farm Lane.

Applications approved

1. 138 Great Gregorie, Basildon SS16 5QF

To establish the lawfulness of the proposed use of a single family dwelling house as a House in Multiple Occupation for up to five people.

2. 31 Balmoral Close, Billericay CM11 2LL

Notification for a proposed larger home extension projecting five metres from the rear wall of the original home with a maximum height of 3.5 metres and an eaves height of three metres. The materials will match the existing property.

Applications refused

1. Andover Villa, Kirby Road, Basildon SS14 1RX

Single storey rear extension and change of use of single family home to a House in Multiple Occupation for seven residents.

Reasons for refusal:

  • By reason of its poor internal layout and lack of shower/bathing facilities the development would create a poor-quality living environment for the seven future households to detriment of the residential amenities/quality of life of the occupiers. The increased level of noise and activity at the site associated with the use would also likely be detrimental to the amenities enjoyed by neighbouring residents.
  • The occupancy level of the building arising from the proposed large HMO incorporating seven different resident households would be increased significantly over the existing situation. This would conflict with the predominantly single-family home character of the road. Combined with the pressures to pave over the remainder of the front garden to provide additional car parking with the associated increase in vehicle movements and an increase in the number of stored refuse and recycling bins and boxes at the site, this would be detrimental to the visual amenities and environmental quality of the area.

2. 21 High Road North, Laindon SS15 4DH

To establish the lawfulness of a childminding facility.

Reason for refusal:

  • The Council cannot issue a Certificate in respect of the proposed change of use from a C3 Dwelling Home to E(f) Childminding facility as the proposed development would be considered a material change of use on the site. There are no permitted development rights for a change of use from Class C3 (dwellinghouse) to Class E (f) ( for a crèche, day nursery or day centre, not including a residential use, principally to visiting members of the public). The proposal in this case would not be permitted under the provisions of the Use Class Order 1987 as Amended. For this reason, a certificate cannot be granted as the development would require an application for planning permission.