A KILLER has been disowned by his family after murdering his sister in a “catastrophic event” outside their home. 

Kevin Shepherd wept in the dock yesterday as a victim impact statement was read out during his sentencing at Basildon Crown Court. 

Shepherd, 55, was jailed for at least 13 years for killing Sharon Butler in Whitehouse Road, Eastwood, and “ripping apart the fabric” of the family. 

A victim impact statement was read on behalf of the family by prosecuting barrister Simon Spence.

Echo: Scene - police pronounced Sharon Butler dead at the scene after they were called out to an address in Whitehouse Meadows, EastwoodScene - police pronounced Sharon Butler dead at the scene after they were called out to an address in Whitehouse Meadows, Eastwood (Image: Newsquest)


It read: “This catastrophic event has ripped apart the fabric of our family and changed our lives forever.

We have lost a loving daughter, sister, aunt and friend who will now only live solely in our memories.

“We feel numb and that this devastating event has not happened to us – it’s like we are watching it happen to another family.

“The unspeakable horror and realisation of what Kevin actually did and the fear, panic, and pain Sharon must have endured in her final moments.

“We do not feel we are the people we once were.”

The family added: “We want Kevin to know we can never forgive him for what he has done.”
Echo: Disowned - a family told Kevin Shepherd in a victim impact statement that they could never forgive him for his actionsDisowned - a family told Kevin Shepherd in a victim impact statement that they could never forgive him for his actions (Image: Essex Police)


Tracy Ayling KC, mitigating, told the court Shepherd wishes it was he who had died, and not Mrs Butler.

She added Shepherd had not planned the killing and that he lashed out following “a loss of control”.

She said: “He wishes it was him who had died and not his sister, and wishes he could put it right.

“He is wanting to ask forgiveness from his family, although he realises that will be a long time coming.

“He wants to see his mother as soon as possible but understands entirely that may not be possible.

“Not only has he lost a sister and sisters who cannot forgive him, he has lost the one person stable in his life and that is his mother.

“It is a brave person who pleads guilty to murder.

“Kevin Shepherd has grasped the nettle, as it were, and knows that can only lead to a substantial sentence."