Timmy Mallett and David Van Day spent Wednesday night (19.11.08) in their cells after ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ contestants voted not to give up rations or luxury items to help them.

Earlier in the day, the group had been notified about the hostages and asked to choose whether to give up items in order to feed Timmy and David and were offered the chance to release one of them by going without some food, but declined on the basis that their new camp mates would have eaten properly more recently than they had, after existing on rations for almost six days.

Nicola McLean said: “Why should we give food that Robert’s rightfully earned for people.”

As they were told of the celebrities’ decision to leave them with the bare minimum of amenities, David immediately blasted his future camp mates.

He ranted: “It’s selfish. It’s not on. They had a choice to do it. Would it have cost them anything? Well, we don’t know. They’ve been out there a few days. They know what it’s like.”

The following morning, his fellow prisoner remained upbeat, saying: “I managed to sleep OK. David slept I think for three seconds. The last meal we ate was yesterday.”

However, the angry Dollar singer moaned: “It’s not fun anymore. I’ve not slept. Haven’t had anything to eat for nearly 24 hours. There’s all bugs and crawlies everywhere. The celebrities in the main camp – you know the one with the nice warm fire – they didn’t give anything up of their own to either release us or even have a meal. It doesn’t matter about us does it because they’re celebrities. Aren’t they me, me, me, me.”

Meanwhile, in the main camp, the rest of the group stood by their decision.

Glamour model Nicola said: “I didn’t give the two celebrities in prison another thought. If they’ve had a bad night, I couldn’t care less.”

Robert Kilroy-Silk added: “The other two weren’t on my mind. No guilt at all about what we did”

Dani Behr and Martina Navratilova were later called to free the prisoners, to which Dani quipped: “Mullet and Mallett. We’re coming for you."