A DOG breeder believes she was made a scapegoat by a BBC documentary.

BBC1’s Inside Out programme alleged Loretta Bastin, who runs Dobe Farm Kennels, in Meadow Lane, Wickford, is selling sick and dying dogs.

The claims came more than four years after she was banned from selling sick animals in a landmark court case.

Footage of undercover BBC researc-hers buying a pug and cavalier king charles cross puppy from the business was shown on last night’s programme.

The animal, examined by a vet from The Dogs Trust, was found to have ear mites, a misshapen jaw, and was not suitable for homing with children, it was claimed.

The show revealed details of two puppies bought from Mrs Bastin, one allegedly found to have a heart defect, while another was claimed to have ear mites, worms and the parvo virus.

Meanwhile, Chelmsford Council which licences her business as a pet shop is separately investigating suspected irregularities at the kennels.

Mrs Bastin, also known as Loretta Toye, said: “Dogs do get ill now and then.

“If anyone has problems they can come back for a refund.

“Because a dog is ill later, does not mean it was when I sold it.

“I am a scapegoat, people should be looking into all the unlicensed dog breeders.”

Essex Trading Standards took Mrs Bastin to court in July 2004 in an bid to stop her trading in sick animals.

The enforcement order served bound her business not to sell puppies of an unsatisfactory quality.

The county council confirmed it was investigating a potential breach of the pet shop licence.