As if it were not bad enough to refer young girls for abortion without the knowledge and consent of their parents, the Advertising Standards Authority is considering allowing abortion agencies to advertise abortion services on TV.

Of course the cost will be met by Government-backed abortion agencies in the supposed interests of cutting teenage pregnancies.

How terrible to see an advert encouraging the killing of a child before birth. To allow these adverts would be one more tragic knock against the most helpless among us.

Pro-life groups are not allowed to show the truth about abortion or encourage girls to carry on with their pregnancies. They don’t get any Government funding and couldn’t afford to advertise if they were allowed.

Will the Government never learn that its strategies to prevent teenage pregnancies are not working?

All it is doing is giving young people a taste for sex which they are too young for, lulling them into thinking there’s no risk of a baby and that if one does get pregnant one can get rid of it.

They don’t tell them that it is another human being expecting life, feeding, love and dignity.

Sue Jamieson
Church Park Road