I couldn’t believe it when I read the headline in the Echo (May 6) saying “school gives pupils lie in”.

Apparently, head teacher Alan Roach has revealed a vision of pupils starting school later as they can then “enjoy lie-ins”!

He goes on further to state his own teenagers prefer a lie in as they get older and it becomes harder to get them out of bed.

Why not go the whole hog and maybe employ someone to cook them a full English breakfast when they arrive at school to set them up for the day and possibly provide a room with beds where they can rest if they are still tired?

What happens when they eventually leave school and start work? They will be so used to their little lie-ins, that having to get up, like most people, at maybe half six or seven they won’t know what’s hit them.

As for beefing up security at the school and knowing where his pupils are, especially if there was a fire drill, Mr Roach only needs to take a little walk across the road from Chalvedon and he will find them hanging around the shops there in droves getting their snacks, etc.

On second thoughts, that’s probably another new idea that has been incorporated into the school day – letting the pupils decide when and how many breaks they desire!

Bring back the principles and values of schools of what is commonly known as the Good Old Days.

Steph Raymond