I think an accident is waiting to happen around Downhall Road/London Road, Rayleigh, where gasworks are taking place.

A three-way traffic control has been introduced so the works in Downhall Road only have a traffic signal at the Hambro Hill end.

This means if vehicles have passed the lights in London Road they can still be coming through the single lane roadworks when the lights turn green for traffic in Downhall Road.

Additionally, three side roads and the exit the pub car park mean traffic joins Downhall Road at the London Road end of the works with no controls against entering the single lane.

The other day a white car nearly got hit head on by cars pulling off from the lights. I don’t know if the driver had jumped the London Road lights, but she obviously did not have enough time to clear the roadworks.

Also there is no allowance for pedestrians to cross London Road. You have to take your chances and leg it if you want to get across to The Approach to get to and from Rayleigh Station.

I spoke to a Mr Redgewell in the Highways Department at Essex County Council to point these facts out and he said he would “have a look, but there should be people watching the traffic to make sure all is well”.

Kevin McDermott
Downhall Road