You are correct in stating in your comment column that we should show respect and support for our soldiers on Armed Forces Day on Saturday.

There are many, including myself, who consider the Iraq War to have been an illegal and unjustifiable incursion.

However, it is not the military who should be blamed for the human suffering, but politicians who manipulated events for reasons of personal aspirations.

Revile the politicians, but honour the soldiers who were themselves victims.

To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling: “If they ask you why we died, tell them that our leaders lied.”

W H Diment
Church Road

...Armed Forces Day is fast approaching and I encourage all to attend to show support for our serving soldiers and past and present veterans.

It is vital to support them and show during these difficult times we care.

I thank Canvey Town Council which is funding this event in our area.

So many fine men and women have died to keep our country free.

It’s very important our young take part in the celebrations to know why their democracy and freedom was fought for.

It will be a grand event, an event that Canvey can be proud of.

All the hard work will be worth it when residents line the streets and fly our flags and standards with pride.

Neville Watson