Who is reasonable for giving Premier the contact to install and operate the bedside TV and phone system at Southend Hospital?

If you are unfortunate to have a loved one in hospital and wish to speak with them while they are lying in their hospital bed, be very aware, when you dial you have no other choice but to listen to a longwinded message before you can dial the extention to talk.

This costs you about a pound or so and doesn’t even warn you that you are going to be charged 50p a minute.

My dear mum has been diagnosed with cancer and I just opened her bill for a few calls made to her from her land line phone for more than £150.

I have no idea how we are going to pay this.

How incredibly cruel to be charging these kind of rates.

There are 900 beds in the hospital, so it’s not difficult to do the maths. Something has to be changed. It is despicable how much money is being collected.

Lesley Howe