It was entirely predictable the opponents of grammar schools should creep out of the woodwork once more when statistics were produced showing a greater number of students from outside Southend gain admittance, and as ever, privilege is claimed.

The whole point of grammar schools has always been they give able children from ordinary backgrounds the chance of an education that is otherwise only available to those who have affluent parents.

Grammar school children, like myself, traditionally came from all sorts of backgrounds and my parents could not have afforded to educate me privately.

The reason why parents now generally have to send their children to tutors if they attend state primaries, is they no longer provide adequate preparation for the 11plus which is so much more competitive following the disastrous and vindictive vendetta against grammar schools instigated by Anthony Crosland in the 1960s and to her shame, not reversed by Margaret Thatcher.

At the same time, education standards in so many state schools have fallen to lamentable levels, forcing parents who can, to try to do better for their children.

Sadly, a very large number of children in grammar schools now come from prep schools, and this trend will only increase now the Government is hell bent on putting independent secondary education beyond the reach of all but the very wealthiest.

Mediocrity or worse for all is Labour’s watchword, and we are all suffering from Britain’s inexorable decline as a result.

Nigel Blore
Mercer Road