There is some constitutional misinformation at the start of Mr Monte’s letter on Europe (Nov 10).

Our elected representatives do not have the power to commit treason or sign away our sovereignty by illegally assuming the royal prerogative, which is what’s happened with the Lisbon Treaty.

The intention of Edward Heath was always to take Britain in to a federal European superstate.

Deception and lies have been used ever since to bring us to this juncture in our history.

Moving on to the nonsense of companies like BMW and General Motors leaving Britain if we pulled out, althe profit takes them. Would they move away business and ignore profits just because we trade freely as an independent nation?

No. The knee-jerk reaction to blame the bankers for the ruin of Britain’s economy has ensured legislation which will do exactly what he fears.

Speaking of which, two thirds of the money we are borrowing is given to the EU every year, or had Mr Monte forgotten that?

Services like the railways and Royal Mail were the envy of the world.

Then the EU started poking its undemocratic fingers into every facet of Britain’s business.

I would hang my head in shame if our soldiers’ sacrifice in Afghanistan meant so little to me. At least they don’t come home with the EU flag draped over their coffins!

They fight for Britain, democracy and freedom all of which we have been denied by the traitors at Westminster!

Mark Strobridge
Hamstel Road