I am so pleased to read Castle Point Council’s chief executive David Marchant is concerned with health and safety in relation to the paddling pool on Canvey seafront.

As a disabled person I have often walked along the seafront from Concord Beach to the Point.

If you start on the sea side of the wall you have to tread carefully amid the piles of dog mess.

Perhaps for health and safety reasons some kind dog-owners wrap it up in plastic bags, before dropping it on the path again.

Of course they might be tempted to put it in bins... if there were any!

If you get a bit tired look ahead and you will see a string of shelters offering protection from the elements.

When you reach the first one there are no seats. They were vandalised years ago and have never been repaired or replaced.

Never mind you can see the next one in the distance, but no, the seats are gone as well. Go for the next and its the same story. Alas, you will not find any seats to rest and enjoy the view.

So, to avoid the dog mess, you climb the steps at the Point and walk back along the top of the wall.

It’s not a good path. Mind the mud and the puddles and ignore the rough surface at your peril.

On the way, note the rusting iron stumps protruding from the ground – that’s if you haven’t tripped over them. These show where seats used to be. At last, you reach Concord Beach.

As a council taxpayer in the forgotten end of Canvey you may feel like throwing yourself in the sea, but then the happy sound of children, splashing in the pool, wafts over the wall.

So Mr Marchant, as you are getting so concerned about our health and safety, you could spare us a bench or two, a few litter bins with someone to empty them, not like the ones by the Labworth Cafe left overflowing for weeks, a smattering of Tarmac the path, an occasional sweeping up of dog mess and removing the redundant seat fixings before someone is injured.

I can recommend the walk. You see so much wildlife. I even saw a pig flying towards the pier the other day!

Colin Letchford
Maurice Road