Siobhan Robson sees parents picking up their children from school, with some not even come to a stop, and concludes the traffic warden taking pictures of them is the one at fault.

Is Ms Robson one of the small band of motorists who are prepared to put children in danger for their own convenience? While there is mention of keeping traffic flowing in her letter, there is no reference to children’s safety.

My late colleague on Southend Council, Ann Robertson, had started work on a scheme to tackle drivers whose parking is a regular menace to schoolchildren and a nuisance to residents, and her successor on the children and lifelong learning committee, Councillor Cox, has given his assurance this effort will be continued.

It would be a fitting tribute to Ann’s years of work if children’s journeys to school could be made safe following her initiative, and if some people need to be prosecuted to achieve that safety, so be it.

Councillor Ric Morgan
Hobleythick Lane